Friday, 16 September 2011

i love FREE os

open source is great,
because its FREE (most of it,not all)
one of my fav is UBUNTU.
great OS.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Tugasan E4121 Sistem Audio Video

ini adalah sambugan tugasan berkumpulan

Tugasan 3 E4121 Sistem Audio Visual

Assignment no.1 and no.2 EC302 ECAD

these are the assignment no.1 and no.2
answer all question and submit on sunday
use the given software only

tugasan 1 ec302 ecad

tugasan 2 ec302 ecad

EC302 tutorial part 1

here is what i think is quite good PSpice tutorial.
click it and i hope all of you will make full use of it.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Software for EC302 ECAD

here is the download link for the software used in EC302
download it, unrar then install

Tugasan E4121

ini adalah tugasan berkumpulan (2 orang satu kump)
sila hantar pada hari ahad.
jawap semua soalan

a)            Nyatakan nilai frekuensi antara (IF) bagi isyarat pembawa berikut:
i.              Gambar
ii.                    Warna
iii.                  Suara

b)            Nyatakan perbezaan carakerja bagi pemilihan saluran dengan kaedah-kaedah berikut:-
i.              Soft Touch
ii.                    Digital Elektronik

c)             Nyatakan fungsi EMPAT (4 ) komponen asas yang terdapat dalam blok penala dan terangkan fungsinya.
d)            Lengkapkan ciri-ciri bagi perkara berikut yang berkaitan dengan sistem penyiaran jenis PAL B.:
i.              bilangan garis ufuk untuk satu kerangka.
ii.                    bidang ruang saluran.
iii.                  bidang ruang video.
iv.                  jarak isyarat video dan isyarat bunyi.
v.                   jenis pemodulatan bunyi.
vi.                  jenis pemodulatan gambar.                                                                                             

e)             Nyatakan  tanda yang boleh dikesan apabila penguat video sebuah TV mengalami kerosakan.                                                                    
f)             Terangkan mengapa denyut padaman diperlukan dalam isyarat video.

g)             Terangkan perbezaan di antara isyarat luminan dan isyarat krominan.

h)            Nyatakan perbezaan carakerja bagi pemilihan saluran dengan kaedah-kaedah berikut:-
i.              Soft Touch
ii.                  Digital Elektronik

Mari belajar PIC

kepada yang baru dan ingin menambah pengetahuan tentang PIC, sila lah baca. semoga mendapat manfaat

PIC is the name for the Microchip microcontroller (MCU) family, consisting of a microprocessor, I/O ports, timer(s) and other internal, integrated hardware. The main advantages of using the PIC are low external part count, a wide range of chip sizes (now from 5-pin up!) available, nice choice of compilers (assembly, C, BASIC, etc.) good wealth of example/tutorial source code and easy programming. Once bought, the PIC's program memory is empty, and needs to be programmed with code (usually HEX files) to be usable in a circuit.

  • pcbheaven has a great tutorial for beginners in PIC programming.
  • Mikroelektronika PIC Microcontrollers online book is another good source for starting
  • For code snippets and ideas check The PIClist web page and mailing list archives.


Q: What can I do with the assembly source code for the PIC microcontroller?

A: First, you need a compiler, which takes the source code in the form of asm (assembly), inc (include), and lkr (linker script) files. You can compile microchip assembly files with gputils or mpasm, part of MPLAB.
(Gputils are command line utilities, mplab is a graphical development environment)

The compiler will output a hex file, suitable for programming into the device. You need a programmer device for that. It is an interface between the computer and the microcontroller. I recommend using the Pickit 2 or 3 this purpose.

Please read the pcbheaven pic pages to get started with compiling code and programming the PIC microcontrollers.

Q: How do I compile a HEX file from multiple source files (linked project or relocatable code) ?
Start MPLAB, and select project/project wizard. Choose the target microcontroller you see in the circuit diagram (for example, PIC16F628). Choose the MPASM toolsuite. Add all assembly (*.asm), header (*.inc) files and the linker script (*.lkr) to the project. Select project/build all. If asked, choose generating "relocatable code", and not "absolute code".

Explanation: There are two incompatible source types for one-file absolute and multiple-file linked projects, you can't write code working for both types. If you want to build modular code which can be combined with other libraries, code must be written in the linkable format, even if it is the only source file in the beginning. But linkable format source must be compiled differently, in two steps: first compiled into an intermediate object format, then linked into a HEX file.  

Q: Where is all this assembly language documented?

A:You can find the PIC microcontroller instruction set documentation in the microcontroller datasheets at The PIC12, PIC16, PIC18, PIC24, PIC32 families of microcontrollers have different instruction sets. In addition, the general syntax of the code (labels, variables, macros, etc.) is described in the mpasm documentation.
source :

Monday, 12 September 2011

DIY - Car Voltage Stabilizar - update

rasanya dah lebih sebulan dari tarikh post tentang voltage stabilizer ni keluar, janji saya dulu akan saya tunaikan hari ni.hehehe.lambat sangat nak update.

setakat yang telah diguna sehingga kini, memang ada sedikit perubahan dari segi jarak perjalanan (mileage) kereta (hyundai i10) tapi tidak dapat saya pastikan yang alat ini memang betul2 menjimatkan minyak. mungkin sebab kereta yang digunakan memang dah menjimatkan minyak (claim by hyundai, kereta i10 memang menjimatkan minyak).

tetapi feedback dari kawan2 yang memang menggunakan alat ini pada kereta mereka, memang dapat menambah mileage kereta (honda civic, bukan latest model) dalam 50km untuk setiap isian penuh minyak kereta untuk pergi dan balik kerja (jarak dalam 20 - 30 km).

pengalaman saya sepanjang menggunakan alat ini, pernah dapat sehingga 500km jarak perjalanan untuk satu tangki minyak(bawak kat highway). sekarang untuk satu tangki penuh minyak kereta, dapat bertahan sehingga 14 12 hari(lebih kurang) untuk pergi balik kerja sahaja.minyak yang digunakan, campur2 antara shell ron95 & ron 97.

IMHO, saya rasa alat ini mungkin dapat membantu kepada mereka yang menggunakan kereta enjin lama.
stay tuned for next update.(kalau berkesempatan)